Written by 6:30 pm Hot Spots, Travel

New York City Theatre Weekend

Bright Lights Big City Escape – New York City & Broadway

What better way is there to enjoy a weekend in New York than to make it a New York theatre weekend. New York is filled with unique attractions and you could easily spend multiple weeks exploring just a small portion of what the city has to offer. For those that only have limited time to explore New York City, plan a theater weekend.

New York City’s Broadway presents a broad range of the best shows and musicals in the world.  Every visitor should make time to catch at least one show during a trip to New York. During a theater weekend you have the opportunity to see a few of the shows that you have been wanting to see.

Broadway has an amazing variety of shows, shows with heart warming stories, shows with drama, musicals with fun dances, hum worthing songs, celebrity stars and more. When planning your theatre weekend schedule you should be sure to research the different shows that will be playing during your stay. Some shows may be opening that weekend, some shows are are long-running, and other shows might be closing soon.

Perhaps the most famous long-running show you will find on Broadway is The Phantom of the Oprah, which is a great option if you like the classic story and you enjoy the drama and thrills of the story. Wicked is a great option for a musical if you are looking for a fun and emotional story. You can also see one of the newer shows to Broadway, which open throughout the year.

Another option you should look into are the Off-Broadway shows. These shows aren’t in the same venues as the bigger productions that are Broadway shows. Although Off-Broadway shows aren’t as large, they are still excellent productions, with all of the creativity and artistry you will find in the Broadway shows.

If you want to pack your vacation with shows you can schedule more than one show for each day. Most offer both an afternoon and evening showing, allowing you to maximize the number of shows you see. Next, after you have scheduled your shows and have the tickets and seats you want, you should check out some of New York’s other attractions.

This city is full of things to do and places to see, so if you want to spend some time exploring the city before and after a show, there will be plenty to choose from. In the mornings and afternoons, depending on your schedule you can explore some of the main attractions, or if you are looking for something a little off the beaten path there are plenty of places to explore.

You should also make sure to enjoy some of the cities fine dining options. Throughout the city there are top restaurants, serving all different types of food. No matter what you are craving or what you want to try, New York City has something for you. After the show, you might want to take in some of the amazing nightlife that New York has to offer.

Planning a New York City theater weekend is a great way to enjoy much of what the city has to offer in a single weekend. You can plan to see some of the big attractions, or enjoy a more relaxing vacation. You get to see some of the best shows you will find, eat delicious food and have fun at New York City’s nightlife.

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