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RV Camping Tips | Plan a Romantic Getaway

Plan a Romantic RV Escape


There is no time like the summer to enjoy a romantic camping trip with your significant other. The crackling campfire, the stars twinkling overhead, and your best friend cuddled up at your side — there’s no question that camping and romance go hand-in-hand. Whether you’re newlyweds or have been married for decades, your next camping trip can be the most romantic get-away of your life. All it takes is a little thoughtful planning and the right attitude.

As you start planning your romantic camping trip, think about your partner’s likes and dislikes. Does he love chocolate? Does she like gourmet meals? Are there special things you can pack that will be a fun surprise on your trip? Since camping is often about roughing it, bringing along an item of comfort can be a delight, whether it’s a favorite pillow, a new pair of wool socks, or a delicious cup of hot chocolate or coffee.

Choose your destination carefully. Your friend will probably be happiest if they’re comfortable and entertained. That means choosing a destination that won’t be too hot or too cold, and picking a place that offers plenty of fun things to do. While you want your loved one to cuddle up when you sit around the campfire, you don’t want the temperature to be so cold that he or she is miserable.

Being in the presence of natural beauty is another thing that prompts romance. Do your best to pick a beautiful destination. You may want to head to the beach or to the ocean, where you can watch the moon rise over the water. Mountains and forests provide majestic views in both winter and summer. And desert canyons are especially striking at sunrise and sunset. Choose a destination you think your friend will appreciate.

Check out the top 10 most romantic cities for an RV getaway.

Pack for Comfort
Be sure to pack enough items to make sure that your romantic camping experience is comfortable. This includes making sure that the mattress pads are in good condition, that the sleeping bags are nice and comfy and can be zipped together. Rather than packing light, be sure to bring enough gear to have a nice comfortable camping trip.

Get Some Exercise
Studies have shown that people feel more romantic when they’ve gotten some exercise during the day. Start off your trip with a day hike, a bike ride, a cross-country ski adventure, or a walk along the beach. Spend some time doing something you both enjoy, whether it’s canoeing and kayaking or taking a sail across the lake.

Plan the Menu
There’s no reason your camping menu can’t be just as ambitious as anything you’d make at home. Plan ahead, pack a cooler, and be prepared to take your time with the cooking process. It’s a great time to chat and work together, after all.  There’s nothing better than sitting down to a simple meal of grilled steak and veggies with a sophisticated champagne cocktail.  Plus, be sure to plan something chocolatey and sweet for dessert – like chocolate covered strawberries!  Get the recipes here.

Looking for other recipe ideas ? You’ll find an excellent assortment of recipes at CampingCafe.com.

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