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RV Tips | Holidays on the Road

RV Sweet RV for the Holidays


Living in your RV over the holidays will present a few unique challenges, but will also be amazingly rewarding. Here are a few tips to help you weather the challenges of the holidays in your RV.


Overcoming the Space Challenge

One of the greatest challenges of an RV is the limited space. During the holidays, with all of the shopping and gift giving, the space can seem even more limited. When you plan what gifts to give, you may want to choose items that are easy to store in the space that you have. This means purchasing smaller gifts.

Many stores have options for shipping directly from the store. This is a great option for RVers since it doesn’t require any storage. Online shopping is one of the best ways to take advantage of direct shipping. You can also make your purchases and then take them directly to mail them, in order to avoid using space in your RV.

In addition, you may not have space to store the supplies you need to do all of your gift wrapping. You would need to have wrapping paper, ribbon, tape and other items in order to wrap all of your gifts. However, if you do not have space for these items, you can take advantage of the gift wrapping options that many stores offer. Even if you need to store these wrapped gifts, you won’t have to store all of the items for gift wrapping.

Decorate the RV for the Holidays

When RVing over the holidays you will also have issues with limited storage for decorations. If you celebrate Christmas, you won’t have room for a full sized tree. You may find that some of the traditions you celebrate in your home may not be possible in your RV. However, there are many options for modifying your holiday traditions to make it as much fun as you normally have at home.

To make your RV feel more like the holidays, you can do exterior and interior of your RV. Lights are a great option, they are fairly simple to store and find wherever you might be. Lights are also a great way to make your RV feel like the holidays. You can also find garlands and other items to spruce up your RV for the holidays. If you really enjoy having a decorated tree you can find a small tree to place on your table top. You can find a small live tree, which you could find a place to plant after the holidays are over. You could also find a small shrub like plant that you have room for in your RV throughout the year that you can decorate for the holidays as a replacement for the full-sized tree.

Gifts for RVers

Another aspect to consider when RVing for the holidays is the purchasing of gifts for other RVers. If you are purchasing for a fellow RVer you may already know what types of items might be most useful, which can make great gifts. If you are not an RVer, but are purchasing for an RVer you may want to remember when purchasing a gift that RVs have limited space. Gifts should be small, or have a space saving purpose, or be an type of RV gear. If you want to give a type of RV gear to an experienced RVer you will probably want to be sure that you have the correct type of item. Gift cards are also excellent options to give to RVers since they leave many options open for satisfying all types of needs.

The holidays always present some special challenges, especially for those that spend the holidays in an RV, but the rewards are great and many.  Make the most of your holiday by celebrating with family and friends – new and old.  And always remember how blessed you are to be able to live (even if for just a few weeks) the RV lifestyle.

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