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What States Have No State Tax?

Camping in States with No Income Take

Many people choose where to camp based on destinations rather than tax laws. However, for those people lucky enough to live the camping lifestyle full time, may want to consider the tax laws in the state where their permanent residency is established. When these decisions are made with full knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of the state of permanent residency, full time campers will be assured that they can travel throughout the country and the world with their minds at ease.

Throughout the United States there are seven states with no income tax. These states are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming. Each of these states can be an ideal place to establish permanent residency for any full time camper or RVer. Many people who can become full time camper are those who are retired, however there are people whose livelihoods and options allow them to become full time campers. All of these different livelihoods, including writers, retirees, photographers and others will want to consider the impact of a state income tax when making long term plans.

At the time of determining long term plans, any full time camper will need to take many factors into account, on top of whether or not the state has income tax. Every state has a variety of different tax laws, which can seriously affect plans to purchase or own an RV and other issues for the full time camper. Many states have vehicle, licensing and registration fees, and depending on the type of full time camping lifestyle this can be an important factor to look into in addition to the income tax.

Another issue to consider when establishing permanent residency is how much of the year full time campers stay in one spot during the year, and how often they move. Full time campers that work in more than one state during the year may have to file multiple tax returns for each state. In addition, depending on the length of the stay, some states can classify full time campers as part time residents, and have certain tax requirements.

After considering all of the different legal and financial implications of establishing permanent residency, full time campers should also think about where they want to travel. Is the western part of the country more appealing? If so, perhaps staying in Alaska, Florida or Washington might be a good choice. Some people like to have a place to stay in the winter, like Florida, Texas or Nevada. In addition, proximity to important destinations is something worth thinking about. Full time RVers that choose to establish permanent residency in Wyoming have a great jumping off point to truly explore Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park and other parts of the country that are still very untamed. Florida offers all sorts of opportunities for retirees and those seeking warm climates.

Each state without income tax has so much to offer those that choose to establish permanent residency beyond the income tax. Establishing permanent residency offers an excellent opportunity to truly explore the neighboring attractions and states, and all of these issues should be considered when making the big decision on where to set up.

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