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Camp Style | Volunteer Camping

Volunteer Travel Opportunities


If you love to travel and also love to participate in activities that help others or make an impact on the world, then you may want to consider a volunteer trip as your next travel adventure. You will find plenty of options for volunteer trip because there are plenty of people in the world that need aid and many that spend their lives providing aid. A volunteer trip can take you to know places and it can change your whole world view by giving you a perspective you may have never seen before.

A volunteer trip is essentially what it sounds like, you travel to a destination, but while there instead of spending your time exploring the area in your own way, you instead volunteer your time to an organization. There are options for volunteer trips throughout the world, doing a wide variety of different things. You probably have a favorite cause, and it’s probable that this cause has an organization that puts together volunteer trips.

You can volunteer in your own country or you can instead travel to a different country. No matter what you choose to do, your choice to go on a volunteer trip will have an impact on the lives of those you help, and you too will have a life-changing experience. Volunteer trips give you the opportunity to be immersed in a culture like no other experience can provide.

No matter what age you are, there is a volunteer trip out there that would both suit your travel interests and match your skill-set as well as match your favorite causes. School age children, especially high school aged children have plenty of options for volunteer trips, some even through school. These trips can act both as a study abroad experience and as an opportunity to learn how to give your time serving the needs of others. Colleges also have many links with organizations through study and school clubs to participate in volunteer trips. Volunteer trips aren’t just for the very young though, they are great for people of any age. Although it requires more independent research to find a volunteer trip, you are sure to find one that interests you.

Find out more about globalt volunteer opportunities at GlobalVolunteers.org or GlobeAware.org.

Perhaps you are interested in environmental concerns, the Sierra Club offers travel itineraries across the globe, which blend outdoor activities, comfortable lodgings and more with an educational experience about certain environmental and sustainability concerns impacting that area. These trips range in difficulty, price and are both national and international.  Find out about the National Park Volunteer Programs.

You can also find more information on all different types of trips at VolunTourism.org. From this site you can learn all about their vision of volunteer trips and many different options for trips. Perhaps you want to stay in your home state, there are options. Perhaps your favorite cause is women’s rights, there are options for that. You can help build houses, work on farms and much more.

If you prefer to do faith-based projects you will find a multitude of options. One of the best places to start is your own place of worship, in fact you may already know about projects that your community works on. Faith-based organizations can have connections with communities throughout the world, and can offer some truly life-changing opportunities.

Volunteer trips are a great option for any traveler. They can take you far across the globe, or they can connect you more deeply with your own community. No matter what you choose to do, you are sure to have a trip that changes your life and gives you the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of others that you may have never encountered otherwise.

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