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Camping in Search of Color

Camping in Search of Color

Every place you visit will have some secret spot of beauty and color. Deep in the woods you will find delicate flowers or maybe colorful fungi. Even the dry desert breaks out in color after the rains when the cactus blooms in surprising color. The delicate flowers of the cactus stand in stark contrast to their harsh spines. When you next go camping, find a spot full of color and beauty that you can treasure forever in your memory.

The seasons each have their own brilliance. Spring and autumn stand out for their impressive vibrancy. In the spring you can watch the blooming of the wildflowers and trees. In the fall you can watch the completion of the yearly cycle as the leaves change into their shocking oranges and reds and eventually fall to the ground. As winter wraps up you can find color when the crocuses break through the white of the snow as tiny specs of green, bringing with them the hope of the renewal of spring.

When you camp, spend a little time searching for the colors in the area. Find a meadow full of wildflowers or a grove of trees dropping their leaves. Nature will allow you to experience the most vivid and subtle colors. When you visit a new area and plan to take photographs, it is a good idea to have your photos developed in that area. Especially in places like Hawaii, if you have your film developed there, the colors will turn out more accurately than they would if you had the photos developed elsewhere.

People celebrate the colors of nature every year. There are wildflower celebrations held all over the United States. If you are camping in search of color, you could plan a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Here in the spring you can take in the many wildflowers and participate in the annual Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage.

The Northeastern United States has always been a destination to view the changing fall colors. If you don’t live close to the northeast or you just want to take in a new sight, there are many places throughout the country where you can revel in the beauty of the fall. In the northeast, the Catskills in New York are said to have a fabulous array of trees that change color from September to October. The Great Smoky Mountains have amazing fall colors as well as spring colors. You will also find breathtaking beauty in Colorado and in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.

On your next camping trip, take the time to search out some of nature’s colors. You can take in the splendor anywhere and anytime. Nature’s beauty is as powerful in winter as it is in spring. Bring your camera, so you can take home a keepsake from your colorful camping trip. One of the greatest pleasures of camping is immersing yourself in the vibrant colors of nature.

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