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CampStyles | Coastal Camping

Coastal Camping Fun For All – Any Time of Year

Coastal camping is a fun year-round activity. Whether camping or RVing, travel enthusiasts can best enjoy all that coastal regions have to offer by staying on the beach. When enjoying coastal camping there are some extra precautions and tips to be aware of beyond the usual camping preparedness. Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure you have an amazing coastal camping trip.

When choosing a destination and camp site make sure you know what amenities are available before you leave on your trip. Some campsites will not have any amenities and you will have to bring all of the supplies you may need, including drinking water. Other coastal campsites have far more amenities, including restrooms, drinking water, showers and more. You should also be prepared to practice leave-no-trace camping when enjoying a coastal camping adventure. This helps preserve the health of the beach as well as ensuring that the site is nice for the next visitors.

As you pack for your coastal camping trip remember to bring plenty of layers. Although the beach may be warm and sunny during the day, the cool breezes during the night can lead to colder conditions, so be sure to have layers and adequate sleeping arrangements.  Click here for a gear checklist for a beach camping trip.

In addition, you are likely to encounter rain and other types of weather. Be sure to pack rain gear, so you can stay dry and comfortable just in case it rains while you are beach camping. You will also need to be prepared for hot sunny days. When you spend all day in the water with the sun shining, you have a highly increased chance for sunburn. Make sure to always practice sun safe behavior. Pack plenty of sunscreen, as well as sunglasses to protect your eyes, a hat, and light long sleeves to cover up if you need to.

After you have made sure that you have all of the necessities to stay dry, warm, and protected from the fun, you will want to make sure that you have all of the gear you need to enjoy your favorite coastal activities. Fishing enthusiasts should be sure to pack the right items for the conditions you plan on fishing in. Hikers should make sure to bring good hiking boots that are comfortable for exploring coastal cliffs and sand dunes. You will also want to bring any beach and water activity gear, including swimsuits, snorkels and more.

Once packed you are ready to embark on your coastal camping adventure. When you arrive at your campsite be sure to look for any warning signs about wildlife, water issues and any camping rules. There may be seasonal rules due to the wildlife, or there may be issues related to red tide. You will want to make sure that you are aware of these warnings and if necessary find a different camping spot.

Always practice smart campsite choices. Don’t set up your tent in an area where the tide will come in and submerge your tent. You should also make sure not to set up on an isolated sand bar that will be separated from the coast during high tide. Adequate shelter is another important consideration when choosing a coastal capsize. You will want to have shelter if you are camping on the coast, which can protect you from the wind and rain coming from the water.

After you are set up and ready to start your adventure you will want to make sure that you always have fresh water for drinking. Spending a day in the warm sun and reflection of the sand can lead to dehydration if your aren’t careful. You will also want to be sure to reapply any sunscreen necessary about every 2 hours. With the sun shining and reflecting off the sand and water it is much easier to get sunburned and sunscreen can only protect your skin adequately for a few hours, so be sure to reapply when necessary to avoid unpleasant and dangerous sunburns.

If you have made sure that your campsite is safe and that you are prepared for the unique camping challenges that the coast can present you will have a wonderful coastal camping trip. You are sure to have a wonderful time enjoying the warm water, sun, fantastic hiking and more that a coastal camping trip can provide.

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