Written by 6:29 pm Rv Stuff, RV Travel Tips

Choose the Perfect RV Park for Your RV Style

Tips for Finding Your Perfect RV Park

Nothing can make of break your RV trip like choosing a park not suited to your needs. Love kids and looking for a family park or retired and looking to make new friends. These things matter when selecting an RV park to visit. Check out tips and research ideas that will help you choose the RV park that’s perfect for you.

Just like fashion and food, campers have their own distinct tastes and desires. This especially relates to finding the perfect campsite for your camping style. In order to find a perfect campground fit you must know what you’re looking for. Are you a camping family with little ones along? An active couple looking for outdoor adventures? Retirees that enjoy on-site activities and the opportunity to make new friends?

There are numerous ways to find and research campgrounds. A good place to begin is online at right here at camping.com. Here, searching your target location, you’ll find a treasure trove of information including a description of the park and their rates, an overview of the amenities and even information on local and park activities. In most cases you’ll also be able to see photos of the park, check availability and make a reservation if so desired (Is a reservation really necessary? Keep reading for more reservation thoughts.).

Local bookstores, Amazon.com or even your local library will have a large selection of RV camping books for almost any area and camping style you might imagine if that’s your preferred method of research. Some are in story format, some in guidebook format – my favorite.

Once I have a good idea of the parks I’m interested in I mosey over to one of my favorite websites – www.camprate.com. This fabulous site offers real-life camper opinions. Log on, click on the state you’re interested in then go to the city/town. Not every campground is reviewed but the ones that are offer a bevy of insight.

To reserve or not to reserve? Again, depends on your camping style. If this is a weekend, a long drive away or a place that you have your heart set on then the answer is a resounding YES. Toll free numbers are usually available. If you have any special requests (near the pool, away from the playground, overlooking the river) now’s the time to bring them up – don’t wait until you arrive or you’ll likely be disappointed. Speaking to the park also allows you to confirm any amenities or activities that you are interested in (is the hot tub working?), local area events or activities (does the rodeo operate this time of year?), and any discount programs they participate in (AAA, Passport America, etc.).

The moral of this story is the more research you do, the more prepared you are, the happier you’ll be on your RVing adventure. It’s absolutely worth the extra effort.

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