Written by 6:29 pm National Park Guides, Travel

National Park Guides

Connecticut’s National Parks

Connecticut is a state filled with historic sites and beautiful scenery. Throughout the state there are interesting destinations and attractions to explore. Visitors to this state will enjoy walking through the beautiful scenery throughout the state. In addition there are many important historical sites and much more. A few of these important historic and cultural sites are located within the National Parks of Connecticut.

Appalachian National Scenic Trail

The Appalachian Trail is one adventure that every visitor to the east should try to experience. The Trail stretches from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Spring Mountain in Georgia, following the crests of the Appalachian Mountains. There is a nice stretch of the Appalachian Trail that passes through Connecticut. This section passes through the northwestern region of Connecticut. Visitors will find that this region of the Appalachian Trail is very scenic. This section of the trail is moderately difficult, there are some challenging sections and some wonderfully scenic views.

Quinebaug & Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor

This National Heritage Corridor is an interesting park. There are many towns, citizens, businesses and more within this park. The Quinebaug & Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor preserves the unique culture of the region. Throughout the region there are historic sites, museums, festivals and much more. Visitors will find that the region is good for walking and enjoying the beautiful sites, historic areas and much more.

Weir Farm National Historic Site

Weir Farm National Historic Site preserves the farm of artist J. Alden Weir. This farm was the summer home of the artist, but he turned it into a refuge for other artists. Visitors to this National HIstoric Site will learn all about American painting. The National Historic Site includes the Weir House, barns, the Weir and Young Studios and much more. There are many activities to enjoy, including hiking, viewing the exhibits and much more.

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