Written by 6:29 pm Rv Stuff, RV Travel Tips

Share Your RV Vacation Photos With Family and Friends

Tips for Sharing RV Vacation Photos From the Road

You had an amazing time, your RV vacation was fantastic and the sights breathtaking, the family behaved splendidly – and you captured it all on film. Now it’s time to take your friends on a stroll down your very own memory lane with on-line photo sharing. Whether you use a digital camera and download your photos to your computer or have your film developed and a CD created, you have several options in sharing your pictures.

One of my favorite sites is the Kodak Easyshare Gallery. Sign up on this easy to use site and you can create albums to send to friends and family. FYI – recipients do not need to be KodakGallery members to view your pictures – just make sure you un-check the box that requires login. KodakGallery also sells all sorts of products with your photos on them such as mugs, calendars, etc. Prints can be ordered by you or the viewer (they must then have an account) and are a very good quality.

My girlfriend has made photo magic on another free site called PhotoShow. This nifty website allows you turn your photos into a musical slideshow complete with captions. Just like KodakGallery, you can send viewing invitations to friends and family and they do not need to be members to enjoy your snaps. PhotoShow also offers an expanded version of their product for a fee (but reviews have not been overwhelmingly positive).

Perhaps creating an album or slide show is more than you have the time for or interest in but you still want to share some of your vacation memories. Send them via email but remember a few important rules:

• Some ISPs limit the amount of data allowed in an email to 2MB with an account max of 10MB. Big pix could quickly clog an email box.

• Some folks are still on dial-up with large files taking an hour or more to download. That could make your friends a little cranky!!

Choose the pictures to send carefully and make sure you resize them appropriately to avoid the above issues.

Then there’s the old fashioned sharing method – sending prints via snail mail. While you can print them on photo paper using your printer, a more economical choice may be taking your digital card to any photo processing outlet and having prints made.

There are almost unlimited options for sharing your vacation pictures – I’ve simply shared a few of my favorites for your consideration. No matter what photo sharing path you take, passing along your best shots is a pleasure for the sender as well as the recipient.

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