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Snowbirding – Snow Bird Destinations

If you’ve ever spent a winter in the northeast or northern midwest, you understand the allure of heading south for the winter. The birds do it, so why shouldn’t people? That’s the attitude of a fun-loving group of retirees from states like Maine, Minnesota, and Michigan, folks who love nothing more than packing up their belongings and hitting the road in search of a little sun and warmth.

This footloose attitude is made possible because of RVs, those homes on wheels that can be tailored to fit the owners’ needs and tastes. A couple or small family can live very happily in an RV together with their pets or visiting grand children. Most snowbirds find that they can get most of what they need on the road, from cooking ingredients to rental DVDs and books from the library. And if the weather is good, the great outdoors provides endless hours of entertainment.

Where do snowbirds go when they head south for the winter? That often depends on their starting point. Many northeasterners have long made a habit of frolicking down to Florida in the winter. Midwesterners often favor Texas and the Gulf Coast, while westerners head for southern California and Arizona. Still, the beauty of living on wheels is that any snowbird can go to any destination. Some couples even shift their winter spot every year in order to get to know new parts of the country.

Many snowbirds enjoy the cost-efficiency of staying in one place all winter long. A number of southern RV parks that cater to snowbirds offer special winter rates for campsites that are rented by the month or by the season. Because most of the guests are there for the entire season, these parks have active social scenes with regular activities like potluck suppers and ice cream socials. Some snowbirds make such great friends, they agree to rendez-vous in the same spot again the following year to keep the gang together.

A Scenic View
If you’re looking for a great snowbirding spot, take a minute to consider your priorities. Do you like boating or fishing? Are you an avid bird watcher who would love exploring the Rio Grande and Gulf Coast birding trails? Or do you prefer being near a large city? Being close to Mexico can have surprising side benefits beyond the tourism opportunities. At Gold Rock Ranch RV Resort near Yuma, Arizona, you can step across the border into Algodones, Mexico. This is a center for dental and medical offices with a number of discount pharmacies in the four-block square downtown. Every year, large groups of Americans and Canadians flood the Algodones streets finding deals on medications, glasses, and dental work.

The next time you heave a sigh as you think about the coming snows and cold temperatures, consider taking a snowbird trip. If you can rearrange your schedule, you just might find that there’s nothing more relaxing than spending the colder months horseback riding in the desert or golfing in the Carolinas. You’re sure to make lasting friends as you get to know a new corner of the country.

Just as long as it’s a sunny corner, right?

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