Written by 6:32 pm Camp Styles

Spring Camping

Spring Camping

Spring is a great time to enjoy the delights of camping, but as the weather during the spring can be unpredictable, camping in spring is trickier than during times of nicer weather. The weather and colder temperatures mean that more preparation is necessary. Despite the excess preparation, spring camping has some first-rate benefits!

After the long winter, many of us are itching to get out of the house. Spring camping provides the perfect opportunity to cure cabin fever. The flowers are just starting to come out, the trees are starting to leaf, and the wildlife are reveling in the end of winter.

Although the spring brings a welcome break from the gloom of the winter for campers, the weather is still cold and unpredictable. Campers need to be prepared for anything when embarking on a spring camping trip. This means making plans ahead to time in order to choose a date and location with the best weather possibilities. It is always best to try for the best weather and be prepared for the worst.

The preparations required for spring camping may put some fair weather campers off of the idea of spring camping, but the benefits are tremendous. First, everyone on your camping trip needs to bring the equipment needed to stay warm. A good quality, properly rated sleeping bag is the first requirement. You want the bag to be the proper size for you and it should have a temperature rating a few degrees below the lowest temperature you expect to encounter. It is better to have a sleeping bag that will keep you too warm rather than having one that is not warm enough.

After you have your sleeping bag, you will want some sort of pad to put between your sleeping bag and the bottom of the tent. A regular inflatable camp pad will work – this extra layer of insulation will keep the cold ground from seeping into your sleeping bag. Sleeping equipment is only the first aspect of keeping warm during spring camping. You may also want to bring a camp heater that has a switch that will turn it off if it falls over.

Be sure to also bring along plenty of warm, lightweight, waterproof clothing. Layering is the best way to stay warm and dry during a spring camping trip. Long underwear is also a great way to stay warm. Also bring along waterproof footwear that is suitable for hiking. The most important single piece of clothing is a hat or head protection. An exposed head loses body heat rapidly.

As spring weather can be unpredictable it is also important to make sure that the supplies you bring are waterproof or at least water resistant. You will want a waterproof jacket to wear while hiking. In addition, tarps for both over and under your tent are a good way to keep dry.

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